We specialize in energy efficient, healthy, building designs.
6469 Old Mount Helen Rd, Allardt, TN 38504
Phone 239-565-9791


Rob's Home Page

Robert Andrys Architect, Inc has expanded into a new Tennessee Location, we will still be serving our Florida clients.

The new Tennessee address is: 6469 Old Mount Helen Rd, Allardt, TN 38504-0151. Contact us at 239-565-9791 or Rob@Andrys.org.

Robert A. Andrys Architects, Inc. specializes in sustainable, green building designs that delight the eye, comfort the body, and enliven the spirit. Sustainable Design

Rob has been designing buildings in Southwest Florida for over 24 years, including two of his own homes that he designed and built. This has been an invaluable experience in the renovation designs that are such an important part of our firm's work.

Rob's involvement in the Florida Green Building Coalition, Gulf Coast University's Green Learning Center, and the Alva Florida planning committee has served to balance his approach to master planning and architecture. Not only do architects design buildings that keep you warm and dry, but they should also promote a healthy lifestyle, while minimizing their impact on the surrounding area by the use of earth friendly methods and materials.Green Design

I know that communication is the basis of all good design. By listening to my clients, we understand their desires, their likes and dislikes, and work to reach a mutual rapport where ideas turn into reality. Through teamwork we incorporate cost-saving efficiencies and state-of-the-art technologies into the design, while keeping within the project's budget.

In short, together we evolve your ideas into a house you can be proud to call home.

 We also provide services for: 


Tenant Improvements

Master Planning

Green Design Consulting

Salty Sam's Marina


Florida Green Building Coalition

Email: Rob(at)Andrys.org

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